Friday, July 2, 2010

Racing around

Have you ever had a morning where you could really just press the reset button? Or better yet fast forward? This morning I woke up late to an alarm clock that was blinking furiously but making no sound. I became conscious enough to remember that I had a 7:30 dental appointment, so neither sitting down with the Lord, nor finishing my cup of coffee (like I ever do) were an option. Neither were gathering my thoughts together nor nursing my headache and bum knee. Well I threw myself together, raced out the door and got to the dentists at exactly 7:25. Whew! No missed appointment fees for this momma! Lucky for me I wasn’t called for another half hour! Not. I usually schedule appointments for the first available of the day so I can get to work at a reasonable hour, so when yet another half hour passed and I was still sitting in the dentist’s chair with no dentist in site…I just left!
The receptionist was really quite apologetic, and I did my best not to be grumpy about it as I rescheduled. I could tell however, that the tech that ran up to see where I went and was listening in… was in disbelief. How dare I just walk right out of the examination room leaving their ridiculous paper clothing guard in my bottoms place. Side note- really, is a 12 by 12 piece of paper supposed to compensate for all the water they spray all over me? The last time I went, some of the water landed both on my forehead and my toes! You must be joking. But I digress.
So here I went-Run out of the office I realizing that today is one of the 9 days per year total that it rains here in SA- raining by the buckets I might add. Sooo, soaked clothes, wet hair…and I stepped in a huge puddle. Faaaantastic! Gotta go back home.
Race home. Check. Change clothes. Check Check. Put on hat- because I am brilliant and got a “cute” short cut which requires daily wrestling and beat downs to keep from resolving itself to a fro, AAAnd the rain will, in fact cause said fro by noon. Check x 3. Make smoothie because at this point I am pissed off and starving (those who know me realized that at this point I am nearing implosion.) I hop in the car, placing smoothie securely in the center console’s cup holder. Quickly raising hand with keys up before I realize that my keys had taken a sweet morning bath in smoothie, resulting in it being flung all over the steering wheel and drizzled down my clothes. Check mate.
Did I mention that I woke up already feeling stressed, depressed and annoyed? Funny, how Satan can not read our minds, but is tricky, watching us enough to know what buttons to push. He knows which thoughts to poke into your head to sway your emotions- if you let them. Funny how all of this was pretty freakin aggravating as it was happening, is now really, really funny.
If your day started with a struggle, or annoyances hit you throughout the day I would encourage you to do a few things:
First- slow down! If you are like me, you get all ramped up at a thousand mph and cause even more problems than you started with. (Stupid smoothie.)
Second- Sometimes I am too far gone to slow down and pray about it. I wish I could say that I stopped whatever I was doing and spend some time with my mighty councilor, but that my friends, would be a lie. If you can, then by all means DO THAT! But if not, then tell a friend, or 2 or 137 on Facebook. (smile) If you have surrounded yourself with loving people they will lift you up, make you laugh, and pray for you if they are the praying type. This has been an amazing discovery to this girl- who is a recovering secret sufferer! When you do settle down…do take it to the Lord, He is ever waiting to love on you.
Third- When you do have time, write it down. Journal it out. Realize what things were not that big a deal and which (if any) need to be addressed. If you acted like an ass to someone, go make amends. If you acted like an ass to yourself, let it go.
Finally- Move forward. Make the choice to enjoy the next moments instead of fuming on the last. Guard your hearts and minds from the enemy, and those that would tear you down. Don’t let silly things steal your joy.

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