Friday, September 17, 2010

Who do they say I am…Who do you say I am? Part 2

He wept for us… I imagine He ached for us. A gut wrenching doubled over weeping kind of pain. Why else would He come down, give up His role as King to become a servant. Unrecognized and spat upon...completely humbled. Jesus likely felt no physical pain, seated on his throne next to God. And yet he chose to experience it. Despite the pain that we caused ourselves –He bore it. He knew the role He had to play and accepted it. Embraced it even. The toughest role EVER! And I wonder why then, I have such a hard time in my roles sometimes. If He was willing to do that, why can’t I seem to get my act together? Do you embrace all the roles you play? Or, are you apathetic …do you rebel? (And by YOU I mean ME)

In thinking about this I tried to consider all the roles I play thinking it was some long list…at least that’s how it feels sometimes. But in the end I came up with these few: Woman. New Testament church. (Don’t just go to church…BE THE CHURCH!) Wife. Mother. Daughter. Friend. Co-worker…I guess I could add blogger now? I think there are lots and lots of sub-categories within these roles, and that there is even a separate thought towards being both a leader and follower in each …yes my lists usually do have lists…Don’t Judge Me!
What is on your list? How do you prioritize…your roles, relationships, tasks etc?
Further down that (primrose?)path I began to consider this: Of all the roles you play- which one most displays the real you? Perhaps in some way it’s all of them? Some people would tell you that they are the same no matter who they are talking to, but I throw the BS flag on that. You may have the same general personality but if we are completely honest, the face we show publicly-to co-workers, acquaintances, and even friends is not the same one we show privately to those closest to us, to ourselves, and to God. I wonder why we aren’t honest with everyone. Is it fear…of judgment or maybe rejection? Is it to protect others? In my job we talk about “Barriers”. Barriers to learning, to communication, to sharing information and resources etc. We know that some barriers are legitimate while others are perceived. What stops you from being “real” all the time? I guess I have more questions right now then eloquent answers…more to come.

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